Monday, December 21, 2009


No, I'm not Jewish... I just like that word. This isn't my first blog. Actually, I've written many blogs but haven't realized them.. I'm a writer... for my age... I'm a fucking good writer. Things trail along in my mind... things that shouldn't be said.. things that people don't care to hear.. and things that I don't care if people want to hear. I am a writer. It's what I do. It may be a bit egotistic to even label myself as that... But then again, I'm a fucking good writer. Note and memorize this.. "I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled poets to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without knowing in the least what they mean." - Socrates. You decide to label, and to judge.. I'm just here writing.. 'cause it's what I do..

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